Because he has reached the house of all possibilities neverending. Lewis LaCook is a web.artist. BeeHive recently released his short poem collection, The Odious Art of Lewis LaCook(, as part of their Microtitles series of e-books for the Palm Pilot. He has

He was born in Lorain, Ohio. Because there is color, motion, sound and language in the world. His poetry has appeared in Cauldron and Net, Lost and Found Times, Poethia, Atomicpetals, Blaze, and Aught, among others. Son of a truck driver, he was used to his father's long absences, always looking gleefully forward to the presents his dad would bring back from those trips. In 2000, Anabasis published his poem Cling ( a chapbook. One such gift was a slender mannequin's hand. Lewis LaCook is the editor of the literary and hypermedia journal Idiolect ( Writing about new media as Lit[art]ure for ( His hypertext X appears at 3rd Bed's website ( His hypertext collection of poems The Little Book of Viruses appears at Vowel Movement ( Likes to program; is modular in nature, calling right now on function sip coffee (). He is currently collaborating with Alan Sondheim on a series of text, html, flash and quick time pieces called Negative Zero ( ). Other scattered hypermedia works: Poetry Generator 2.0 (, which is also a part of's artBase; Binary Drives (; Jeffrey (; Saint Louis Cemetary Number One( He currently lives in Richmond, Virginia with his fiancee Renee Vaverchak, who is very very beautiful. Member of webartery, wryting, arc.hive and rhizome. Patent pending.