
Lisa Åkervall is a PhD Candidate in Film Studies at the interdisciplinary doctoral program "Lebensformen und Lebenswissen". She is affiliated with the European Viadrina University and the Free University of Berlin, and her dissertation is on Cinematic Experience and Uncanniness. She also lectures on film at Viadrina University and the Free University of Berlin. Her publications include Gesicht. Das Insistieren des Affekts, in "Latenz. 40 Annäherungen an einen Begriff," (Kadmos 2007), and Vom traumwandlerischen zum visionären Kino, in "Nach dem Film. Das Kino träumt," forthcoming 2008.

Dyrk Ashton is Assistant Professor of Film at The University of Toledo, where he teaches a variety of film studies and production courses. He holds a PhD in Film Studies from Bowling Green State University with concentrations in American culture studies, popular culture and philosophy. Ashton's research interests revolve around Gilles Deleuze's cinema books and their application to studies of aesthetic effect as well as critical analyses of popular film and television. Recent publications include a chapter in Investigating Alias: Secrets and Spies entitled "Reflections of Deleuze: An Alias-ed Critique of Truth" (2007).

Don Callen is a member of the philosophy faculty at Bowling Green State University. He works in existentialism, continental philosophy, aesthetics and film theory.

Markos Hadjioannou is a doctoral student in Film Studies at King's College, University of London. He is currently completing his thesis on new technologies, where he examines the ontological shift from celluloid to digital cinema. His research is supported by the AHRC and King's College London.

Jeanne Marie Kusina received a Master of Arts degree in philosophy from the University of Toledo and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Tiffin. She is currently completing her PhD in Applied Philosophy at Bowling Green State University where her research interests include ethics, aesthetics, and film theory in relation to Nineteenth and Twentieth century European thought.

Jakob Nilsson tries to increase the level of actual structure into his workdays. He is a PhD candidate at the Department of Cinema Studies and at the Research School of Aesthetics at Stockholm University. His dissertation regards the complexes of "positive representation" of blackness in contemporary – post-"HBO-effect" – American TV-drama. He was born in Ethiopia, grew up in the north of Sweden, resides in Stockholm, and will spend the fall in New York.

Jenny O'Connor is a PhD student of the School of English, Drama and Film at University College Dublin. Her research examines the way that film studies and Deleuzism interact. She has become especially interested of late in the productive becomings that occur when popular film and Deleuzian theory collide and what this means for Deleuzian theories of cinema in general. Her PhD focuses especially on these becomings in the popular and commercial cinema of Quentin Tarantino and Neil Jordan, and also examines how a Deleuzian world is created through the modern avant garde cinema of Pedro Almodovar. She lives in Waterford, Ireland and is a lecturer in Communications in Waterford Institute of Technology. She is also a member of WIT's Centre for Excellence in Film Studies and Waterford Film For All.

Claire Perkins teaches in Film and Television Studies at Monash University, Melbourne. Her research interests include contemporary commercial-independent American filmmaking, film sequelisation and cinematic utopias. Her work has appeared in The Velvet Light Trap and Senses of Cinema, and is forthcoming in the edited collection Second Takes: Critical Approaches to the Film Sequel.

Gregg Redner is a PhD researcher in the Film Studies program at Exeter University, UK, where his dissertation employs the philosophical concepts of Gilles Deleuze to form a methodological bridge between film and music
theories. He is a graduate of the Juilliard School in New York City, from which he holds a double Master of Music degree in organ and harpsichord performance and has also completed the coursework towards a PhD in
Historical Musicology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His teachers have included Leonard Bernstein, Vincent Persichetti, Aaron Copland and Susan Hayward.

Jason Skeet teaches English at the Stedelijk College Eindhoven in The Netherlands. Current research interests include Deleuze, the philosophy of language and the theory and practice of education. He is a founding member of the Association of Autonomous Astronauts.

Michael Angelo Tata received his M.A. in Creative Writing/Poetry from Temple University, his M.A. in Liberal Studies from the New School for Social Research, and his Ph.D. in English Literature through the CUNY Graduate Center.  His poetry has been exhibited as sculpture in "The Weather," a multimedia exhibit at the Parlor Gallery (Lancaster, PA), and as fashion through the Long Beach Foundation for the Arts.  His poetry and criticism have appeared in the journals Blood Lotus, LinQ, FRIGG, Nebula, M/C, Ugly Couch, Lit, Lungfull, eye: rhyme, kenning, Bad Subjects, Found Object, Rhizomes and to the quick, as well as the Critical Studies compilation From Virgin Land to Disney World: Nature and Its Discontents in the USA of Yesterday and Today (Editions Rodopi, 2001) and the Madonna Studies anthology Madonna's Drowned Worlds: New Approaches to Her Cultural Transformations (Ashgate UK, 2004).  His first chapbook of poems, The Multiplication of Joy into Integers, won Blue Light Press' 2003 poetry prize.  His poetry has also appeared in the collections This New Breed: Bad Boys, Gents and Barbarians 2 (Windstorm, 2004) and Bordered Sexualities (San Diego State, forthcoming 2008).  He is currently American editor for Australia's interdisciplinary journal Nebula and editor-in-chief of iPublishing.

Maria Walsh is Senior Lecturer in Art History & Theory at Chelsea College of Art & Design, London. She has published essays on film and video in journals such as Screen, Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Senses of Cinema, filmwaves, and COIL. Her research interests include artist's film & video, phenomenology and film, performative writing, female subjectivity, and philosophy and film in a post-Deleuzian framework..

Daniel Ziegert holds an M.A. in Comparative Literature from the University of Rochester, NY. and is currently completing another M.A. in Film, Theatre and Television Studies at the University of Cologne. He recently presented a talk on the history of disaster representation in cinema at the SCMS conference in Philadelphia. His research interests include early cinema, ontology/ ontologies of the (digital) moving image, post-cinematic cinema, and post-Deleuzian approaches to film theory. He hopes to be able to frame a dissertation project
encompassing these interests.